Covid-19 is going to impact us all one way or another and there’s a lot of uncertainty as we attempt to navigate what is unchartered territory for us all. One thing we know for sure is that over the coming weeks and months, businesses are going to become more and more reliant on their digital strategy, part of which is digital marketing. 

This is an interesting time when digital marketing strategies will be tested to ensure they’re adapted to work with the changing nature of consumers as a result of the pandemic. If you haven’t already, it’s time to review your existing strategy, spending this time ensuring you have everything in place for consumers who may be seeking your services, navigating the web for solutions to their own problems.  

How to keep users on your trail…

Whilst users are moving from page to page in their search for solutions, entertainment or inspirational content they may stumble upon one of your adverts, our advice would be to keep that user on a trail back to your website – improving traffic, brand awareness and ultimately contributing to your goal completion targets. Keeping them on your trail can be made a lot easier if you “maintain the scent”. It’s important that there’s consistency between the advert and the landing page. If you don’t maintain the “ad scent” on your website, you will generate lots of clicks, very few conversions and an increased bounce rate. 

An example of what a campaign that maintains “ad scent” should look like:

Do you notice how the landing page and advert we produced for our client Synexus Clinic maintains consistency and scent?

  • Copy scent – The tone, copy, key messages and call to actions can be seen on both the advert and the landing page
  • Creative scent – The fonts, colors, images and devices used in the advert are  replicated on the landing page

It’s all dynamic… 

The success of our campaigns for Synexus Clinic rely heavily on adverts that are tailored for different demographics, therefore we use different images and messages. However, this does not impact our efforts in maintaining the ad scent.

Our digital marketing team worked closely with our team of developers to come up with a solution. The Synexus Clinic website has the facility to customise the landing page images based on a variable passed in the URL. This allows the landing page to dynamically match the advert creative. 

This is controlled by a campaign_id parameter. For example, will load a ‘male’ image variant rather than the ‘female’ image used in the example above. This is all configured within the bespoke content management system.  Clever, right? 

Don’t get lost..

We don’t have all the answers right now but we hope this insight helped you on your way a little. One thing we know for sure is that this unplanned, forced downtime is a perfect opportunity to review your campaigns for consistencies and what ultimately could be a “quick win” when the landscape changes again following the pandemic.